Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Week 2 - Thing 4 Part 3 Facebook

Now, Facebook is something I am familiar with. I set up a profile a several weeks ago and have fast become addicted. I like that it is easy to use and is a good way to find and keep in touch with old friends as well as current friends. I have found several friends on there that I haven't seen for years after they headed off overseas.
It also as a large number of appications that can be added to your profile to play games, compare friends in a variety of fun ways, or give virtual gifts.
Maybe it is showing my age, but I also prefer that most people write in proper english rather that in txtspk, or the use of rAnDom CaPitAls tO MAkE wRItiNg loOk COol aNd HArDeR tO ReAd, which is something I found annoying on bebo.
One thing that is interesting is that facebook is almost completely useless if you don't have an account. With bebo and Myspace you don't have to be a member to view other peoples profiles, but with facebook the most you can see is a persons name and picture. And even this is a recent change; previously you had to sign up to even do a search for someone.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow, sounds like you are really trying things out! Glad to hear you've enjoyed facebook. I've found heaps of long lost friends as well on both Facebook and Myspace. Keep up the good work :)