Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Week 9 - Thing 22 - Netlibrary eBooks

I remember making a Netlibrary account when ACL first added to our list of databases, but I haven't looked at it since. I have made myself another account and have had a look around. It appears to have changed its look and I think that there are more books available to ACL members than there were originally. It is good that there are lots (152) Cliffs Notes eBooks available. These are good resources for students, and most aren't available as real books at ACL. There also seems to be a lot of business books and computer books, which I think would be amount the more popular items to be used in ebook format.
I think that ebooks are a good way to supplement our physical collections at the library. I think the student resources on here should be promoted more and having another look at it has reminded me about what is available.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow, Cliffs notes are great for schoolwork, will look some up for my little sister :)