Thursday, November 8, 2007

Week 9 - Thing 23 - The End! (and Beyond)

Well, I've made it the end of the program! I have found many new and interesting "Things" along the way. Some I'll continue to use, like RSS feeds (though maybe not through Bloglines), bookmarking, and Podcasts (as well as Facebook and YouTube which I use regularly anyway.) Other Things, I'm not sure whether I'll use them or not, like wikis and online production tools like Zoho Writer. Now that I know how easy it is to edit wikis I may help out with a few that I have used in the past. With others, its good to know that they are out there and what can be done with them even though I have no use for them personally.

Looking at the eBooks on Netlibrary was a good reminder of what is available and I will remember to recommend it to our patrons.

I have enjoyed looking at new things and discovering useful and interesting stuff. It is interesting to see where the internet is heading, with more interactivity of users, that it is becoming a much more active, collaborative medium than a passive surfing and reading and viewing static pages. While I'll been using some interactive sites for years (like forums and more recently facebook), it is interesting to see the extent and variety that is being developed, and the growing popularity of such sites.
I have been trying to stay ahead on this program so that I would be able to help my work mates on any problems they may have (since I know they will be asking me anyway). I enjoy helping them with learning these things and in doing so I am discovering some things that I didn't find while I was doing the tasks myself.

I think because of this program, I will try to keep more up to date about new development in the interest and web 2.0 applications being developed. I'll find myself some good blogs or sites about this sort of stuff and add them to my RSS feeds.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! :) Glad you learned new things and found it enjoyable :D