Saturday, October 13, 2007

Week 5 - Thing 10 - Online Image Generators

I had some fun playing around with some Online Image Generators this week. There are heaps of them to choose from. I like several at and I'm going to go back and look at more of them later.
I made two pictures of myself.
The first one I made with DoppelMe Avatar Generator which can be found at This one was make with the limited options available without registering for the site. There are tons more options if you do register.

The image on the right is a South Park version of me. I created this at I like that one better than the DoppelMe image, it looks cooler, but both are close for cartoon images of myself. Both generators are easy to use, although the South Park Character Generator requires you to use some other program to cut the image out of a screen capture. The site has instructions on how to do the first step of capturing the screen shot and pasting it into you image program (they give you the instructions when you click on the save button).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Haha, great job on your blog! We'll be looking forward to seeing you on the next episode of southpark! ;) Hmmm.. maybe next time you could even become a simpson's character!