Thursday, September 27, 2007

Week 3 - Thing 8 - RSS feeds and Bloglines

I have signed up to bloglines and explored the wonderful world of "Real Simple Syndication" or RSS. I have added about a dozen feeds to my account. I have never used these before and find it interesting. I'm not sure how I feel about it yet, I'll need to use it some more before deciding if I'll keep using it or not.
I like the idea of having lots of sights all brought to one place for me to check. Unfortunately, not all of the sites feed the whole posts in this format. For example, the New Zealand Herald's Sideswipe has only the top three lines, so it is pretty useless. I'm not going to continue to subscribe to that feed.
I'll see how much I like this rather than visiting the web sites themselves. I think it might be good for some sites, but others I will go to the actual site. This might help me keep a better track of some of the sites I like to read but don't regularly due to time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you've found something you like! Keep up the good work with your activities' blogs! :)