Thursday, September 13, 2007

Week 1 - First Blog Post!

This is my first blog post. This is a blog I am setting up to learn about blogging and "Web 2.0" stuff as part of a work learning project. As you might have guessed I work in a Library.
Some of the stuff we will be learning over the next 12 weeks will be easy as I already know about some of the things we will be looking at (like facebook, I already have a profile) but others will be new, for example, blogging.
I'll been considering setting up a blog for a while, but wasn't sure if I would post on it much, and whether I wanted to share elements of my life with the world. Now I'm doing this for work, I will see how much I will enjoy doing it and can decide if I'm going to continue with a personal blog or not. Only time will tell...


Anonymous said...

Great start...and agree I think this programme will help you make that decision as to whether you want to keep the blog.

Paul Reynolds said...

good luck !